Director of IPRIS.

Areas of Expertise
Among other topics: Portuguese Foreign Policy, Portuguese-speaking Countries, Maghreb, Sub-Saharan Africa.

B.A. International Relations, Lusíada University (Portugal), M.A. Political Science and International Relations, Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium).

Articles and Op-eds
"Portugal and Georgia: Starting from Scratch" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 125, June 2013).

"Portugal" in Andrei Kulikov (ed.), EU Budget 2014-2020: Views from across Europe after 7-8 February 2013 (Bulletin on European and CIS Studies, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, March 2013), pp. 35-36.

"Portugal and Mali: An Unwelcome Minimalist Approach" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 116, February 2013).

"Portugal and Ghana: The Gateway to West Africa?" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 112, January 2013).

"Portugal and Turkey: An Increasingly Substantive Relationship" (IPLI/TEPAV, 2012).

"Fate and Freedom: Portugal and the European Financial Crisis", in Theodore Couloumbis, Andrea Dessì, Thanos Dokos, Paulo Gorjão, Ettore Greco, Dimitris Katsikas, Charles Powell, and Dimitris A. Sotiropoulos, Southern Europe in Trouble: Domestic and Foreign Policy Challenges of the Financial Crisis (GMF/IAI, Mediterranean Paper Series 2012), pp. 41-47.

"Portugal and the Straitjacket of the European Financial Crisis" (The International Spectator, Vol. 47, No. 4, December 2012): 64-68.

"Portugal and the Geopolitical Repercussions of the European Financial Crisis" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 102, June 2012).

"CPLP Needs a Global Strategy" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 101, June 2012).

"Terra Incognita: Portugal and Central Asia" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 99, June 2012).

"Portugal and Senegal: Don't Let the Tail Wag the Dog" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 98, June 2012).

[with Pedro Seabra] "Guinea-Bissau: Can a Failed Military Coup be Successful?" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 95, May 2012).

"Portugal and Turkey: Surprisingly Friendly Relations" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 91, April 2012).

"São Tomé and Príncipe: The Butterfly Effect from Macau to Taipei" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 90, April 2012).

"Portugal in 2011: The Downgrade of All Fears" (IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin: 2011 Review), 33-38.

[with Pedro Seabra] "Britain and the EU: New Challenges, Old Dilemmas" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 87, February 2012)

"Portugal's economic diplomacy: A new paradigm or old rhetoric?" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 84, January 2012).

[with Pedro Seabra] "A sense of déjà vu: Portugal and the regime change in Syria" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 82, January 2012).

"Portugal and China: The rise of a new strategic geography?" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 81, January 2012).

"CPLP and Equatorial Guinea: Chronicle of a foretold membership?" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 80, December 2011).

"Portugal and the Palestinian bid to join UNESCO and the United Nations" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 77, November 2011).

"Taur Matan Ruak: the first candidate for the 2012 presidential elections in Timor Leste?" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 76, September 2011).

"Taur Matan Ruak: candidato às presidenciais em Timor-Leste?" (i, 8 September 2011): 12.

"Portugal deverá reconhecer o Estado palestiniano?" (i, 1 September 2011): 12.

"Portugal and the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020: another tough battle looming on the horizon?" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 74, August 2011).

"Haverá mesmo eleições na Líbia daqui a oito meses?" (i, 25 August 2011): 12.

"Estamos preparados para mais uma dura batalha?" (i, 18 August 2011): 12.

[with Pedro Seabra] "Intertwined Paths: Portugal and Rising Angola" (South African Institute of International Affairs, Occasional Paper No. 89, August 2011).

"Who wants to play the Russian roulette in Guinea-Bissau?" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 71, August 2011).

"Quem quer jogar à roleta russa na Guiné-Bissau?" (i, 11 August 2011): 12.

"Portugal and the recognition of the National Transitional Council of Libya" (IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin, No. 21, July 2011): 1-2.

"Portugal e o reconhecimento do Conselho Nacional de Transição da Líbia" (i, 4 August 2011)

"A inevitabilidade de um compromisso" (Diário Económico, 1 August 2011).

"Eleições presidenciais em São Tomé: primeiras observações" (i, 26 July 2011): 12.

"Merkel em Luanda: um dia histórico ou sem grande história?" (i, 19 July 2011): 12.

"São Tomé: eleições presidenciais de vida ou morte" (i, 12 July 2011): 12.

"Portugal e a "neutralidade" dos destinos das visitas oficiais" (i, 5 July 2011): 3.

"FAO: uma vitória suada para o Brasil" (i, 28 June 2011): 3.

"Moçambique entrou no radar dos BRICS?" (i, 21 June 2011): 3.

"Uma candidatura a pensar em 2016" (Diário Económico, 15 June 2011): 18.

"The Portuguese-speaking African countries and regime change in Libya" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 63, June 2011).

"A paciência turca tem limites?" (i, 14 June 2011): 3.

"Uma estratégia lusófona para a ONU" (i, 7 June 2011): 3.

"Portugal and Venezuela: continuity in times of change?" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 60, June 2011).

"O impacto das eleições nas relações com a Venezuela" (i, 31 May 2011).

"Portugal e a Indonésia: em busca do tempo perdido" (i, 24 May 2011): 3.

"Portugal e as relações transatlânticas: um novo impulso" (i, 17 May 2011): 3.

"ASEAN: a pedra no sapato timorense" (i, 10 May 2011): 3.

"A mão invisível dos EUA" (Diário Económico, 3 May 2011): 25.

"A queda de Kadhafi e o equilíbrio de forças na África subsariana" (i, 3 May 2011): 3.

"A solidariedade europeia e os interesses nacionais" (i, 26 April 2011): 5.

"Portugal e a intervenção da NATO na Líbia" (i, 19 April 2011): 5.

"Portugal e a ajuda externa: um duro golpe no prestígio nacional" (i, 12 April 2011): 3.

"Portugal: punching above its weight" (IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin: 2010 Review, 2011): 30-34.

"Portugal e o Conselho de Direitos Humanos: uma candidatura vitoriosa?" (i, 5 April 2011): 3.

"Diplomacia portuguesa depois de Amado: "Continuar não é repetir"" (i, 29 March 2011): 3.

"Portugal e os PALOP: uma estratégia de tenaz incompleta" (i, 22 March 2011): 3.

"Os ventos de mudança e as relações entre Portugal e Angola" (i, 15 March 2011): 3.

"Contagem decrescente?" (Diário Económico, 11 March 2011): 25.

"Portugal e Timor-Leste: a tirania da distância" (i, 8 March 2011): 3.

"Political turbulence in the MENA region: change we can trust in?" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 40, March 2011).

[with Vasco Martins], "Cape Verde and the Security Council: time for reelection?" (IPRIS Policy Brief, No. 5, March 2011).

"Magrebe e Médio Oriente: o medo da mudança e da sua direcção" (i, 1 March 2011): 3.

"Portugal e a UE: euforia e frustração" (i, 22 February 2011): 5.

"Qual a relevância da destituição de Ben Ali e de Mubarak?" (i, 15 February 2011): 3.

"Guiné-Bissau: o falso dilema europeu" (i, 8 February 2011): 3.

"Cabo Verde: o regresso ao Conselho de Segurança da ONU" (i, 1 February 2011): 3.

"A Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Guinea-Bissau: a toothless body, or a dangerous one?" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 35, January 2011).

"Angola: a manutenção e a resolução do impasse na Costa do Marfim" (i, 25 January 2011): 3.

"Portugal e as monarquias do Golfo: uma agenda unidimensional" (i, 18 January 2011): 3.

"O Magrebe e as transições para a democracia: será desta vez?" (i, 11 January 2011): 3.

"Quo vadis Dilma?" (i, 4 January 2011): 3.

"Dilma e o peso da sombra de Lula" (Diário Económico, 3 January 2011): 22.

"Antevisão da política externa portuguesa em 2011" (i, 28 December 2010): 3.

"Portugal is no longer a foreign policy priority to São Tomé and Príncipe?" (IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin, No. 14, December 2010):3-4.

"Portugal deixou de ser uma prioridade para São Tomé?" (i, 21 December 2010): 3.

"The reform of the Portuguese diplomatic network" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 30, December 2010).

"Côte d'Ivoire: A test tube for Angola's regional policy?" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 29, December 2010).

"Angola e África do Sul: simples parceria ou relação estratégica?" (i, 14 December 2010): 3.

"The repercussions of Brazil's increasing diplomatic assertiveness" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 27, December 2010).

"Como reagir à crescente assertividade do Brasil" (i, 7 December 2010): 3.

"Portugal abre os braços ao mundo mas esquece a Argentina" (i, 30 November 2010): 3.

"O reordenamento da rede diplomática: critérios e repercussões" (i, 24 November 2010): 3.

"A NATO e o Atlântico Sul: os (des)entendimentos lusófonos" (i, 16 November 2010): 3.

"Magrebe: quarto pilar da diplomacia portuguesa?" (i, 9 November 2010): 3.

"Hu Jintao em Portugal: a importância de uma parceria" (i, 2 November 2010): 3.

[with Pedro Seabra], "Guiné-Bissau: A incontornável sensação de déjà vu" (Política Internacional e Segurança, No. 3, 2010): 63-77.

"Portugal and South Africa: Matching words with deeds" (IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin, No. 10, August 2010).

"O virar da página norte-americana no Iraque" (Diário de Notícias, 30 August 2010): 51.

"A primeira batalha orçamental pós-Tratado de Lisboa" (Diário Económico, 14 August 2010): 18-19.

"São Tomé and Príncipe: Heading into political instability as usual?" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 16, August 2010).

[with Pedro Seabra], "Portugal and Angola: Ties that bind?" (IPRIS Policy Brief, No. 4, July 2010).

"A Europa é o recreio dos deuses?" (i, 2 July 2010): 33.

[with Pedro Seabra], "Cape Verde's role as a bridge builder: Is there political substance beyond the rhetoric?" (IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin, No. 8, June 2010).

"Portugal e Espanha: As bodas de prata na União Europeia" (, 11 June 2010).

"O dilema da integração" (Diário Económico, 11 June 2010): 20.

"Squaring the circle in Guinea-Bissau" (IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin, No. 7, May 2010): 2-3.

"Portugal and China: Prospects of an unsymmetrical partnership" (IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin, No. 6, April 2010): 3-4.

"Guinea-Bissau: The Inescapable Feeling of Déjà Vu" (IPRIS Policy Brief, No. 2, April 2010).

"Portugal and the Security Council: Is This Seat Taken?" (IPRIS Policy Brief, No. 1, April 2010).

"Portugal and the gas market of the South" (IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin, No. 5, March 2010): 4-5.

"EUA e Médio Oriente: estratégia em colapso?" (i, 17 March 2010): 35.

"Brasil: Um player em crescente afirmação mundial" (Diário Económico, 16 March 2010): 23.

"O luxo do tempo e a falsa escolha islandesa" (Diário Económico, 5 March 2010): 24-25.

"Lusophone countries must devise a grand strategy towards the Security Council" (IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin, No. 4, February 2010): 6-7.

"A NATO e o Afeganistão em 2010" (Diário Económico, 27 February 2010): 26-27.

"The end of a cycle: Rebalancing and redefining of Portugal's foreign policy" (IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin, No. 3, January 2010): 5-6.

"O Islamismo radical na Europa: O caso da Bósnia" (Segurança & Defesa, No. 12, December 2009/February 2010): 66-76.

"Is oil Angola's goose that lays golden eggs?" (IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin, No. 2, December 2009): 1-2.

"Timor Leste: An amnesty is needed, once and for all" (IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin, No. 1, November 2009): 4.

[with Diogo Noivo], "Untying Guantánamo's knot: A Portuguese contribution" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 5, September 2009).

Piotr Maciej Kaczynski (rapporteur), Paulo Gorjão et al. (contributors), "Politically Weakened Institution: Views from National Perspectives on the European Commission 2004-2009" (EPIN, 2009).

[with André Monteiro], "Is Timor-Leste a Failed State?" (Portuguese Journal of International Affairs, No. 1, Spring 2009): 12-21.